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Precision Engineering Redefined: The Role of Linear Motors Precision engineering demands components that can deliver high accuracy and repeatability. Linear motors, such as those offered by ITG Motor, have emerged as the preferred choice in this demanding fie


Linear vs. Rotary Motors: Understanding the Differences and Benefits In the world of motors, the debate between linear and rotary motors is ongoing. Understanding the fundamental differences can help industries choose the right technology for their applications, with I


Revolutionizing Automation: The Evolution and Impact of Linear Motors Linear motors have become a cornerstone in modern automation, thanks to their direct drive technology which eliminates the need for mechanical transmission, enhancing efficiency and precision.Historic


民主党举行首次总统初选辩论 民主党总统竞选人阵容庞大,所有成员都无法同时进行辩论。因此,他们必须轮番上阵。6 月 26 日晚,首批十名候选人在迈阿密进行了两个小时的辩论,6 月 27 日,第二批候选人也将参加类似的激烈辩论。虽然党内官员是随机安排的,但恰巧第一场活动的成员中没有重量级人物。来自马萨诸塞州的左翼参议员伊丽莎白-沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)在民调中的支持率刚刚上升,她是当之无愧的领跑者,身边还有九名随
